Uploading my hoard of stuff that I’ve saved from sadpanda over the years now that it’s in danger of going down. 52gb of femdom (ranging from very gentle to very brutal), /ss/, futa on male, thiccness, and a few other odds and ends. Organized by artists, 99.9% is in english, but I saved a few untranslated things from my favorite artists as well.
This is the second version of this upload. After I uploaded the first I downloaded a bunch more stuff from Panda before it went down. Also this one has a bit better sorting, with japanese doujins, western comics, and misc stuff that isn't sorted by artist in different folders.
Also, having just uploaded this torrent, my torrent client is saying it isn't complete. I've tried multiple clients and versions of the torrent, and it does the same thing. I'm not sure why, my guess is it has to do with the sheer number of files, but it's stuck on "Downloading 99.2%". Which is weird because I uploaded it, and all the folders its saying I don't have, I checked and I definitely do. Just keep this in mind in case you get to 99% done and it doesn't want to finish, it might be a problem that's outside my control, because even as the uploader I get the same thing.
Heads up: I was able to fix the bug that was preventing me from uploading 100% of the files, but it necessitated a new torrent. Use this one, it should have all the files and you won't get stuck at 99%. Sorry for the confusion.
Comments - 4
thewonderful24 (uploader)
thewonderful24 (uploader)