Uploading my hoard of stuff that I’ve saved from sadpanda over the years now that it’s in danger of going down. 52gb of femdom (ranging from very gentle to very brutal), /ss/, futa on male, thiccness, and a few other odds and ends. Organized by artists, 99.9% is in english, but I saved a few untranslated things from my favorite artists as well.
This is the third and finalversion of this upload. After I uploaded the first I downloaded a bunch more stuff from Panda before it went down. The second one had the added files and a bit better sorting, with japanese doujins, western comics, and misc stuff that isn’t sorted by artist in different folders. Unfortunately it also had a bug that prevented me from seeding 100%. This upload fixes that issue.
Comments - 13
Every single one of these torrents seems to get stuck at some incomplete % of completion. The first, smallest one got to like 90%+ for me, but the second one got stuck at 76ish and this last one at 69%, and it’s the same for all the peers visible to me. I’m pretty sure the issue is with just the sheer amount of files in the torrent.
Could you try dividing the TREASURE TROVE into 2-3 smaller pieces, and making a torrent of those, or at least tell us what torrent program you’re using?
Either way, you’re doing god’s work ;_;7
thewonderful24 (uploader)
I think this one stalled because my torrent client crashed while I was sleeping. Give it some time, if people are still stuck I’ll see what I can do to figure it out.
thewonderful24 (uploader)
Yeah I’m watching the peer list now and it’s ticking up. Some dutch guy just hit 70%. I just have to babysit my computer and make sure the client doesn’t crash again.
Hi friend, torrent is stuck at 74% Anything you can do or advice you could provide would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
thewonderful24 (uploader)
Looking at the peer list there are people at 75% and climbing, if slowly. I’m still seeding, but for whatever reason my upload speed has been slower than normal today. Just keep it open and downloading and it should keep going.
Seed pls
Stalled at 4%
thewonderful24 (uploader)
It’s being seeded. Highest is 81.94% right now.
restarted the client and it worked, it crashed on my end, my bad.
100% I will seed until we know more about what the ultimate fate of our beloved panda will be. cheers.
Protip: If you are having trouble downloading this torrent it is most likely because there are several files that have ludicrously long names and Windows may refuse to create those files. If you are using Deluge you can select the torrent and click the “details” tab to see the name of the offending file. After that you can go to the “files” tab and change the name of the file. You should be able to resume the torrent or do a force recheck and then resume.
I had to do this with 3 files so far and I am 92% complete now.
thank you for uploading this, i really appreciate it, i also wanted to let you know that Exhentai.org is back up!!!
Praise the sadpanda
Good stuff!!!
Head up to anyone who downloads this: This is not femdom.
I downloaded the whole thing then skimmed through every single doujin. 90% of this is trap-yaoi (there’s barely even any futa like the description says)
There is some proper femdom but it’s like 5-7% of the whole torrent. Not worth downloading if femdom with actual females is your thing.