An offline E-hentai browser for archival purposes, keeping Hentai history around. This new v3.5 version is now windows friendly, you just need NodeJS installed
and run throught a command prompt on the folder you unzipped this with a " npm install " to install stuff and then " npm start " to start
MySQL 5.3+ / MariaDB 10+
(This release comes with the SQLite databases added)
If you want to get the MYSQL Dump then download them over
For the rest of the nerd talk about it, go to
Sachia Lanlus, as he collects almost all the gallery metadatas before Ex went down initially and share the gdata.json that kickstarted all these projects.
Tlaster / ehdb, the original table structures are based on his SQLite database from a previous similar project.
Andran with helping of the dumping and sorting of the thumbnails along side figuring out how to patch together missing stuff on myself and other IT related shenanigans.
Poontology for massively reworking a lot of the backend code so its now way faster as well add many other features that would make this way too text wall-y to mention
And the community and specially those that has Donated to keep me doing this stuff around , you are the Big Guys that allow me to crash these planes.
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