English translation by Q91
Version “0.99”
What’s in here?
- Original Flash file that has not been edited by me.
- A English-translated Flash file which has been translated and edited by me (with JPEXS FF Decompiler).
- Extracted images
- Waifu2x upscaled images.
What’s been done:
- Translated as much as possible, but removed any non-story related text (ie “thank you for buying”)
- The TOP page should now work as intended. Even the original Flash SWF file didn’t go to the proper page, and now clicking TOP bring you directly to the TOP page as well.
What’s needed:
- The ability to play Flash files. Windows users will have to install that Chinese developer kit to make it work, or use Media Players that need no extra system, a ruffle-enabled browsers (note: FILE:// will not work), or use ruffle’s stand-alone player
What’s amiss/a mess:
- Translation is not done by a native English or Japanese speaker. So while I have tried to clean it up, I’ve probably missed a bunch of bad grammar mistakes.
- Depending on how you view it, the text might take up too much of the assigned space. I’ve tried to cram as much as possible per line, but the scroll mouse do work.
Flash Player 34 and Media Player Classic (both for Windows) appears to showcase it as intended, while ruffle for Firefox (Windows) will overflow, and scrolling will be need.
- Various bugs, as the Flash has been edited in place without being decompiled and compiled properly.
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