from a different /h/ anon, I didn’t do a comparison with the previous one so is on you to download it, compare it and keep whichever siterip you like, untouched files.
daily reminder to not support scammers, don’t consume scammers slop, don’t visit scammers communication channels, the real contributors do it without expecting anything in exchange or begging for ‘’’’’’’’’‘donations’’’’’’’’’’
Comments - 3
Don’t spread false rumors about me. It’s been more than two years since I last received money from the community. Don’t be crazy about me like that. Just because I received money from someone not you, its don’t make me a scammer, and the person who sent me the money didn’t complain, so why have you been complaining for over 4 years?
The only reason I promote my Discord is because it’s not full of psychopaths, and is a better place for the community to discuss instead of some trashy place filled with hate speech and schizo.
Call me a scammer if you want, but don’t make it sound like I’m asking for donations right now, I don’t need even a penny.
And talking about the previous Torrent, it is webp but the extension is changed to jpg, no re-encoding, just open the image in notepad and you will see the header is webp. All taken directly from the J18 API. I deleted it because it had a better version, with a better structure, that’s all.
It’s nice to see a community alive enough to have autistic retards fights on whom scammed whom on the regular, but as a normal user I care only for one thing: getting shit for free. My concerns are (in that order) 1. getting free shit, 2. not paying for it, 3. getting free shit (important!) without paying (VERY important!). Do I have to pay for the shit I download? No? That’s fucking awesome! Do I care who got fucked, how many people got scammed, how many seethers killed themselves over it? Absolutely fucking not. All of the fakku/irodori/j18/anchira/koharu/whatever releases on nyaa I’ve gotten for free. I haven’t had to pay a single fucking penny for any of them. I have no intention of financially supporting ANYONE involved in making, translating, pirating, uploading, stealing of either, and I couldn’t give fewer fucks about people who do, or are involved in it.
I got my free shit, and I can watch retard fights for free as an entertainment as well, which makes me a very happy boy.