#### (Lump of sugar) 運命線上のφ
`(If you like the game, Please buy it to support the developer)`
**NOTE 🔖**
> `This game have two CDs. To install the game, you'll need to mount the .mds file.
> I recommend using Daemon Tools Lite for this.`
I tested the game and it works fine on my Windows 11 64bit Japanese.
`100 % completed CG save game`
File name : unmeisen_seiya.zip (Credit to 誠也@sagaoz)
File size : 316 KB
> ZIP file's SHA
> 9da2385fea5225f6de5d873acf6f089961a0633ddbe432c972738564924299b1
Save game located at
> The same root folder where you installed the game.
I wished lumpofsugar will keep providing us with these....................................... <whatever words of compliment> vn of theirs.
i mean, everyone can support them, yes. But only them capable of making their product. Tayutama1 still rubbed me hard.
@uglywolf They already announce their next game XD , They will collaboration with nexton !
This will be big game project ,I already prepare my money for this !!
` https://azarashi-soft.nexton-net.jp/collabo/kirakano/ `
Comments - 3
AkaneHaruka (uploader)
AkaneHaruka (uploader)