#### CIRCUS(サーカス)あるぴじ学園1.5

`(If you like the game, Please buy it to support the developer)`
> ⚠️ Read first ! ⚠️
### `This game request you to apply `No DVD + No Serial Patch` to play the game !`
> ⚠️ P@tch file ⚠️
[CIRCUS] あるぴじ学園1.5 NoDVD + NoSerial Patch.EXE
> ` 6ac10e099424749068871a78f78baf0bf8692fa1f6bc0d75643ea489173e5a21 `
> Hybrid Analysis
> `https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/6ac10e099424749068871a78f78baf0bf8692fa1f6bc0d75643ea489173e5a21`
> Virus Total
> `https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/6ac10e099424749068871a78f78baf0bf8692fa1f6bc0d75643ea489173e5a21?nocache=1`
# Installation Instructions
1. **Mount the ISO file**
2. **Run `setup.exe` from the mounted ISO file and install the game**
> When you installing the game `PLEASE SHOULD 「最大」` to install all game data.
3. **Extract and install the `Version 1.5 update` patch**
4. **Extract and copy `[CIRCUS] あるぴじ学園1.5 NoDVD + NoSerial Patch.EXE` to the installation folder of the game.**
5. **Apply [CIRCUS] あるぴじ学園1.5 NoDVD + NoSerial Patch.EXE files**
6. **Done ! Now you can launch the game via the desktop icon.**
Test and confirmed The game works fine on my `Windows 11 64bit Japanese`
Btw, here is the completed save game data CG 100 %
File name : `arupiji_4169.zip (Credit to 4169@sagaoz)`
File size : `2.05 KB`
> ZIP file's SHA
> d6d43598211b2647edc7065d9ace65e3d57bce098ba3ef3bb4a396c7ec9833f6
Save game located at
> C:\Users\YOUR PC USERNAME\Saved Games\サーカス\あるぴじ学園\
Comments - 1
AkaneHaruka (uploader)