Recopilación de los trabajos del Estudio Doll House. Se incluye subs en algunos casos.
Se incluye la versión de Moe Love de CH Fansub (espero no haya problema).
Recopilation from Studio Doll House. Some of them has subs. English subs from official DL translation.
Moe Love version from CH Fansub.
Comments - 12
Toshi? Pensé que te habia dado covid v:
Toshi-san (uploader)
@AlexBs0801 What? xD No, no, todo bien, solo me canse un poco y lo deje.
Most of us are stuck at 92.5%
Can you upload this 3d hentai Kyoudai no Kankei?
Toshi-san (uploader)
@hazardous Maybe. That’s The Relationship of Siblings, right? Although, that one is available here in sukebei, with subs.
@Toshi-san: Its not. I already have watched Relationship of Siblings/Perception Kei of Brother Episodes.
Its this:
I am looking for full episodes. Its torrent exist but there are no seeds:
Toshi-san (uploader)
@hazardous Are you sure that a complete episode is available to begin with?
I was curious about this and I’ve been searching info, and there is no doubt that Kyoudai no Kankei is The Relationship of Siblings, the shorts in the SankakuComplex link appears to be bonus that the autor (IMP) uploaded in his blog with some of the updates about The Relationship of Siblings 4, apparently The Relationship of Siblings 4 was in production but it didn’t released. That new character is the mother.
Well, I read all of this with Google Translate, so of course I’m not %100 sure. You can see in the next link a entry from the blog, below there are some links that have shorts similars from the ones from Sankaku (I didn’t compare them one by one).
@Toshi-san Looks like i was confused and thought it was completely different show with same animation. I see so it was the unreleased 4th episode. Okay got it thanks.
Vaya @Toshi-san, por fin te dejas ver xd.
Tranqui, con que al menos no toques nada de los subtítulos todo bien.
Toshi-san (uploader)
@hazardous Glad to help.
@Slarka Gracias. Pues sí, por aquí ando.
@Toshi-san Bueno, acabo de verlos todo, tremenda está colección y veo que has hecho tus propios GameRIP en las novelas visuales, tremendo detalle que le has puesto a este gran estudio.
Por cierto, ahora que habla el chico de arriba, subirás la recopilación de IMP? XD
No quiero pillarme que ya lo tienes hecho y yo apenas voy por el primero. Quiero confirmarme para evitar hacerlo yo xd.
Me gustaría hacerle una traducción al ingles al primero que hice.
Toshi-san (uploader)
@Slarka Sí, ya que vi la posibilidad, traté de mejorar algunas, ya que las RAW que habían dejaban un poquito que desear.
Adelante, yo no tengo nada hecho.