[ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] HoneySelect 2 DX (ハニーセレクト2 DX) BetterRepack R4.0.1

2021-06-14 06:29 UTC
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97.2 GiB
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![BetterRepack R4.0.1](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/4949/ioZjrf.png "BetterRepack R4.0.1") # Google is having problems with its API it seems, so autotranslate may or may not work, depending on your RL luck stats. If text appears untranslated it means that it's not in the translation, and google isn't responding on its API. Reported to the autotranslation devs Links: https://betterrepack.com/public/ (You can find direct downloads etc in here) If you want to get notified about new releases, feel free to join my notification discord: https://discord.gg/pSGZ4uz ### Changelog: https://betterpaste.me/?43964ad7dc468465#Gaw58tgy1e6eXA6teJP9BVCLdvLoLcURhbdfgjzzWTnE ### Patreon I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :) There is currently a direct download option exclusive to patreons, take a peek at [https://www.patreon.com/posts/trial-run-only-29049006] for more information. ~.~ ![Patreon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/575260461579108352/576067606566666260/PatreonBanner.png "Patreon") [https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack/]

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Honey Select 2 was such a pleasant surprise after Koikatsu. I thought for real that they wouldn't revisit franchises and then they just dumped out one of their best games yet. Illusion's weird like that. Here's to hoping they'll one day release Artificial Academy 3.

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### samthemanhamsam Well, for now Koikatsu Sunshine (basically koikatsu 2) is due to drop on Aug 27nd, so franchises seems very much alive over there
Why grab this overbloated shit if there is already the game without susupicious elements. Kinda weird how all the repack of this scammer weight the same (sus) Here the original game no overbloat just 9 GB as it really is https://fap.iss.one/view/3160229 (the only game known for being heavy is custom maid and even that one is because has subverb content even partnerships)
can i ask what koikatsu and honeyselect is? im new onto this field and i want to get my hands onto it too
@meyen10 It must be hard being this dumb

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### meyen10 This is a premodded repack, what you linked is the vanilla game. If you prefer the vanilla game, be my guest. reason for the size is the overwhelming community content. If that's something you want no part in, or you want to selfmanage your game, knock yourself out :-) Also, what you linked is just DX, that would be the expansion pack, and won't run without the base game :sip: here's the base game for ya: https://fap.iss.one/view/3034068 I'm not quite sure, but seems like you're here to make an ad for CM3D? sure it's a fine game, and you seem to enjoy it, so knock yourself out \\(^_^)/ Now, if you have any real criticism, other than my actual selling point, that my packs is the most complete and polished way available to get started with the game with all the mods you'd ever need prepared and tested for use in a "Known good" configuration, do feel free to voice them, but seems you haven't downloaded the pack even taken the way you speak. If I'm mistaken and you have feedback, come at me :-) Also, about the weight, all my repacks have a changelog, so that you can see what's changed between versions, so do give that a read for justification as to the updates existence. ### SEEDERY Koikatsu is a anime styled game quite similar to this game from the same creator. Very recommended if you want to make anime characters. By HoneySelect, I guess you're talking about HoneySelect1? predecessor to this, starting to get quite old at this point, but has loads of mods available and still a few users swear by it. Might be worth looking into, but getting that up and running may be something of a job
What can you do in those games? just create characters or is there some gameplay? i saw a game with a bit of gameplay but i think it was called ai shoujo. i only played the traditional VN type games so i have no idea what i can do in those games

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### SEEDERY there are some gameplay, depending on the game, just to go over a few, in order from old to new: PlayHome: Visial Novel short story main game, has studio for character posing Koikatsu: Attend school main game (all girls school, only one guy... you know the drill), has studio for character posing EmotionCreators: Create and play others visual novels, does not have studio. AI Shoujo: Stranded on a remote island main game, has studio for character posing HoneySelect 2: basically a brothel, Free-H the game, has studio for character posing All of these games have one of the most in depth character creators known to man. So in short, illusion games tend to have a main game portion, a very advanced character creator and a studio more often than not.
@meyen10 ...Well, I just hope you didn't choose to be blind and ignorant. @SEEDERY Koikatsu is a nukige love simulation game, much like xxKanoTukurikataxx by KISS. But unlike novels, there are no solid routes and loops. You take a role of one-and-only male at all-girls-school who can have multiply partners by using 'education' as an excuse, directed by your own relative who is a headmaster of that school. The nukige is mostly vanilla all the way, with fetish contents. You can also add "uglybastard" in your game, if you choose to. HoneySelect is a game which has some sort of 'prostitution-motel' vibe. Player POV is a role of VIP. You make characters, pick them, and do them whatever you wanted if possible. Unlike koikatsu, its not entirely love simulation, but you can go that way if you managed to, and in this game you can control whatever characters would be involved in a scene. Vanilla? Hardcore? Your choice. Either way, ILLUSION games nowadays(specifically these 2) are pretty much a CharaMaker and Simulation. If you don't understand what I mean, one of example I could give is 'each girls you add into your game' has their own status for how experienced they are. They also have what they liked and hate depending on how you customize them to be, and your male characters most likely wont be inferior to other guys, if you choose to play as one. AND these game, basically NEVER ENDED.
I really really wanna get this but my internet says its going to take couple of days to get this TwT... was hoping to find mods i can download separately but to avail rip. Hopefully speed is gonna go up... probably wont get the OPTIONAL file.. just the repack which is around 35gb...

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### besttony123 Sorry to hear. The studio modpack is absolutely not essential though, and you can pick and choose what to download if you're on a super tight download budget. here's the HTTP download for it: https://sideload.betterrepack.com/download/AISHS2/
@screwthisnoise OMG! thanks alot love you!
@screwthisnoise thank you for the repack and seed. why do i get multiple [UAR] Warning? and isnt there map with spectators? i remembered there's a map with bystander looking in HS
my game starts on black screen, my setup Intel I3 3.20 mhz, memoria ram DDR3 16 GB, DISK RIGIDO 1TB, Video card RADEON 580, 8 GB ,256 BIT
Hi Is there a mod to make the girls talk less?Like HSceneOptions mod from Koikatsu?
@Thegame95 the game runs fine on my i3-4160, 10GB DDR3 w/ GTX1050ti. There must be something wrong with your pc
@MahoHacker02 Thanks for the answer more owes this even though this happened some lack of update of my pc
@Thegame95 It also might be because you got the game in a folder with a very long name.
my game starts on black screen
please someone help me I can not play from the black screen when starting the game
my game starts on black screen, my setup!!! PC configurantion ________________________ Model: Intel I3-3210 3.20 Ghz _____________ MOBO: Intel socket _____________ * Memoria ram DDR3 16 GB,. _________ * DISK RIGIDO 1TB. ___________ * Video card RADEON 580, 8 GB ,256 BIT. _____________________ Please Help very like this game my supports it more something does not let it give picture
This version HoneySelect 2 DX what difference from the HoneySelect 2 version can anyone tell me please. And this HoneySelect 2 DX version works on windows 7 64 bit