*Direct link : https://fmcj-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/lewdcat98_idrive_vn/Eg90mvYz7LhFsxpFpTBRVDcBiIw0cITToA9NdpcIvvnMxw?e=GVMeEz
*Download button in the left corner on the onedrive link it will download as a .zip file, you can preview the content if you want :), you can contribute to me more content by uploading if you find it missing, thanks :)
*I am in need of a pixiv premium account, if you have a good heart please lend me a share, for the purpose of finding good ingredients from the illustrator.
*If you have any questions, contact me on twitter: https://twitter.com/SilverTaurus98
Comments - 15
SilverTaurus98 (uploader)
i’m still seeding , Is download OK?

You can watch some finished videos while downloading by clicking the play button
thank you
Uploader is using modern miner/spyware/adware utorrent client. Suddenly trust your uploads a lot less.
SilverTaurus98 (uploader)
I use utorrent pro to upload file, I do not use any adware or malware, if you do not like torrent download, please download it by onedrive.I spent a lot of time editing the files, my files upload had very few people downloading, lately I’ve lost the motivation to upload using torrents, I don’t even have time to install those malware, I am a newbie, I do not have much experience, I want the quality to be very good, to create prestige in the future.
SilverTaurus98 (uploader)
The software I am using on my computer include adguard premium, ads killer plus, popup blocker, malwarebytes anti-malware premium, those are all anti-malware / spyware / trojan. Seeing those softwares is enough to understand, I am not free like you-the guy who rings malware

See clearly yet? I don’t have the epic scale mining software, you make me quite annoyed :) If you are good, upload your torrent for me to see :)
I’m not saying your content is dodgy, merely pointing out you still use utorrent which after like 2.1.2 or so started getting more and more unsafe additions since some company bought them.
They have been dodgy for years. Open source clients are best and safest. I use qBittorrent, but there’s lots of others. Ne safe out there.
Also you have pnkbstra and pnkbstrb running. Anti cheat for game but known to spy on you when not playing games like right now.
SilverTaurus98 (uploader)
If you are afraid of losing your personal information, then it is best not to use any electronic device, because Google and Facebook have already collected personal information, don’t use it, don’t say anything. Use it, you have to believe. I emphasize that my utorrent does not have scale mining epic software, and it is pro version, so without any ads, torrent content doesn’t have anything redundant, if you download JAV. by the Chinese uploader, you will see how messy it is :)
thought everyone used qBittorrent by now… thanks for upload tho!
SilverTaurus98 (uploader)
I will use qbitorrent for future upload, exga collection has been uploaded by qbitorrent
you’re welcome
SilverTaurus98 (uploader)
i’m new to torrent, there’s so much new to me, maybe the times before i didn’t delete utorrent’s default trackers, now i have deleted them and just leave sukebei’s tracker

Still, if you want to stick to uTorrent, I’d advise you to use version 2.2.1. Or qbitorrent.
SilverTaurus98 (uploader)
yeah , i am using qbitorrent
@SilverTaurus98 I RECOMMENT TIXATI torrent sorry im italian using google translator im using weebroot premiun antivirus
Based. You, sir, are sukebei.