[ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] HoneySelect 2 (ハニーセレクト2) BetterRepack R1.1

2020-05-30 01:10 UTC
File size:
10.3 GiB
Info hash:
![BetterRepack R1.1](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/9510/dVD1st.png "BetterRepack R1.1") # Release 1.1 // 29.05.2020 # Early adapter pack! Wait for R2 if you want everything in place. this is just a very basic repack Links: https://ai-syoujyo.com/public/ (You can find updates etc in here) If you want to get notified about new releases, feel free to join my notification discord: https://discord.gg/pSGZ4uz ### Changelog: - Added Preorder yoyaku - Added official update honey2_01_plus_0529hhde - Added AIS Sample Data - Added translated manual by MessyMessiDown2 - Added vanilla launcher and userdata to BRExtras - Added savegame from Hooh to BRExtras - Added misc extras to BRExtras - Added workaround IllusionFixes - Added HideAllUI V2.1 - Added StudioGet - Added ZipStudio - Added DeathWeasel's HS2_Demosaic v1.1 - Added enimaroah's SB3Utility v20.4 - Added Keelhauled's GraphicsSettings v1.2.0 - Added Marco's FPS Counter v3.0 - Updated IllusionLauncher ### Patreon I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :) There is currently a direct download option exclusive to patreons, take a peek at [https://www.patreon.com/posts/trial-run-only-29049006] for more information. ~.~ ![Patreon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/575260461579108352/576067606566666260/PatreonBanner.png "Patreon") [https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack/]

File list

  • [ScrewThisNoise] HoneySelect 2 BetterRepack R1.1.7z (10.3 GiB)
Gonna skip this post ( downloaded the R1 of HS2 from you) Just wanted to say Thanks for the quick updating of this game! Can't wait for R2!
Thanks for upload. But How to start the game? I opened InitSetting.exe then press "start game". but there are nothing happen.
You are not inquisitor but you are very good man, to see 6 GB to 10 GB in 1 day is awesome , i only want to update my old game is it possible? if so, someone tell me how, do i just copy the content from R1.1 to R1?
This graphic quality of Honey Selecxt 2 seems woser than AI-shoujo on my laptop? I may say it is the worst graphic quality ever, because of my GTX1060?
Oh happy day!
Hey man, first of all. Thanks for updating so fast and for the work you do! I just wanted to ask if you knew why i cannot load scenes in STUDIONEOV2? and if you knew if this version is the only one with the problem or if it´s something on illusions end... For what i have investigated, this has happened before and it was an illusion problem they had to patch. So idk. If you could tell me i would really apreciate it.
canh thiu -thank you
@hkmin: that weird mate. for me, beside from better graphics it far less bugs and better optimized. i play with gtx1660ti. *ps* i found graphics bug in 1.1, bukake only apply on face only (none on body part) where in 1.0 not have this bug.
@BONEKCNOCKER that's because the uncensor, wait to next Repack i think it will be fixed