This torrent is derived from other torrents available on the site but it’s mainly just to serve as a huge batch release of the current FAKKU material all named and sorted nicely for you with the extension .cbz (or some .cbr) applied. Some releases are missing but it’s just personally what I wanted to keep which was most of it and sorting out all the titles and zipping folders into cbz’s took some time so I decided to save everyone else any hassle. Thank you all the lovely anons for sharing these works and I hope this torrent is convenient for you.
If you’re just looking for specific books and can’t find a live torrent, check to see if it’s present below in the file list and uncheck all the others if you only want one, either way hope this is useful to you all.
Not too sure where the rules lie on batching and releasing other’s torrents so if this is in violation of any rules or any person feels negatively affected by this feel free to tell me to take the torrent down or amend it, have a good one.
EDIT - Working on an update, fixed titles that I missed and didn’t title correctly and adding a bunch of new stuff. Will post a link here when it is done and other than the few titles that have been changed the torrents will sync seamlessly so you won’t be downloading everything from scratch (if you direct it to the same directory as this one went to). Newest version.
Comments - 9
What the fuck. great job???
Kill_Yourself (uploader)
@NarberalGamma4996 Thank you very much!:)
Arigathanks gozaimuch!
Kill_Yourself (uploader)
You’re very welcome!
OP is the GOAT!!!
meh I hoped you had the latest doujin and books q_q
Kill_Yourself (uploader)
Sorry Senect, I merely sorted and compiled stuff that can already be found here, for convenience
fantastic job, op!
Silliness all around from many.