Hatsukoi / 初恋 [Partial English Patched]

2018-01-29 01:57
File size:
1.0 GiB
Info hash:

alt text alt text

Title: Hatsukoi
Original title: 初恋
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Year: Japan 2002-10-25, English Patch 2010-04-22
Developer: Rune
Publishers: Rune
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: TLWiki

Hatsushima Minoru was a high school student, who goes to Seiou Kan Gakuen High school which located on the hill in a historical town. He spent a carefree campus lives with his friends. One day in spring, his boy and girl friends announced that they began to go out with each other. Until then, Minoru hadn’t wanted to have a lover very much. But he found he yearned for their relations. After a while, when his little sister took him to the tennis mach, he met Sakurai Momoko who was his senior student.


  1. You need to change system locale to Japanese.

  2. Notes:

  • Crash in Yasumi route choice 17 - fixed(you don’t need to use the original scenario.xp file to bypass the error anymore)
  • Skip unread text - right mouse button during play; CONFIG1; mark the right circle on the sixth row
  • Start _hatsukoi-pt.exe or _hatsukoi-hwt.exe.exe. I don’t know if there’s a difference. Both files were in the patch, tested and working.
  1. Translation:
  • Common route - fully translated
  • Anzu route - fully translated
    alt text
  • Yusumi route - fully translated.
    alt text
  • Komomo, Karin, and Coco are all less than half-completed.
  • Current completion status for the translation is 51.45%.

!!!Walkthrough for Anzu and Yusumi routes: http://txt.do/dhsuy

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File list

  • Hatsukoi
    • module
      • cc.m (128.0 KiB)
      • cx.m (104.0 KiB)
      • ds.m (192.0 KiB)
      • jl.m (180.0 KiB)
      • lc.m (124.0 KiB)
      • xd.m (208.0 KiB)
      • zd.m (428.0 KiB)
    • scenario.xp
      • ANZU.csv (465.2 KiB)
      • B.csv (2.7 KiB)
      • C.csv (10.4 KiB)
      • COCO.csv (406.9 KiB)
      • COMMON.csv (596.9 KiB)
      • D.csv (7.4 KiB)
      • E.csv (591 Bytes)
      • KARIN.csv (389.6 KiB)
      • KOMOMO.csv (577.7 KiB)
      • M.csv (1.0 KiB)
      • P.csv (67 Bytes)
      • S.csv (39.8 KiB)
      • V.csv (244 Bytes)
      • YUSUMI.csv (388.3 KiB)
    • 00000000.016 (29.4 KiB)
    • 00000000.256 (29.4 KiB)
    • _hatsukoi-hwt.exe (916.0 KiB)
    • _hatsukoi-pt.exe (916.0 KiB)
    • config.cfg (223 Bytes)
    • hatsukoi.bin (916.0 KiB)
    • hatsukoi.exe (292.0 KiB)
    • hatsukoi.ico (9.5 KiB)
    • r11d1.g (327.0 MiB)
    • r11d2.g (578.8 MiB)
    • r11d3.g (133.5 MiB)
    • r11d4.g (24.4 MiB)
    • vorbis.acm (2.0 MiB)

Can nothing be done with the bad word wrapping or lack of word wrapping? Seems to be a pretty bad translation and the text just doesn’t look right at all.

Just noticed you copied the same exe twice, the first one is “_hatsukoi-hwt.exe” and second one is “_hatsukoi-pt.exe”.

superelmo (uploader)


The project was abandoned 7-8 years ago. I don’t know if there will be someone willing to fix the text. You can open a scenario file with Notepad, but looking at it I’m not sure if it’s possible to do word wrapping for this game. I only fixed a crash in Yasumi route. Can’t do more.
Thanks for the notice. I fixed it.

Another abandoned VN. Too bad too with only 3 routes to go. I’m thankful at least they translated Anzu.

No point in wasting my time with it then, no fun reading it when the text is just awful.

is anyone know where can i find Walkthrough foer this game ?

superelmo (uploader)


Google “初恋 攻略 by 愚者の館(アーカイブ)”. Should be the first sagaoz result.
If you want English walkthrough, it’s in the description.